JYJ JaeJoong is currently filming for Korean Drama - Triangle.
For the further details on "Triangle", please google search for it.
So, I will be updating JaeJoong selfie/latest staus on the twitter
Even JaeJoong will choose washroom as a selfie place |
There's lot of people take their selfies in the washroom,
because the mirror is quite big (I think so it's because of that)
Oh~No~ JaeJoong Oppa, please calm down~ |
It's actually the scene in "Triangle"
Why I feel like JaeJoong Oppa had closed his eyes?It's because he doesn't wanna see himself in lose condition? |
Hmmm...Young is a luxurious clothing~ |
Jaejoong Oppa with the "Triangle" actress - Baek Jin Hee |
Oppa,you look more handsome.
But, I heard there is rumor he will be enlisting soon in this year.
All the best, JaeJoong Oppa...